Repair & Services

SAMCO Technologies is always ready to provide service support during or after commissioning.

Our service team is well trained and experienced to handle the service calls.

We also arrange to repair/service mostly all types of Hydraulic Cylinders, Pumps and Hydraulic Motors and also test the same on Test-bench for demonstrating the flow/pressure/leakage parameters.


Our process begin with detailed assessment, right from root cause analysis to successful testing.


The hydraulic component (Pump, Motor, Cylinder) is completely overhauled and diagnosis of components for any failure is done.

An appropriate action for quality repair is carried out for reliable economic operation.


All repairs of hydraulic components (Pump, Motor, Cylinder) are tested and provided with internal test certificate with warranty.


Repaired hydraulic component (Pump, Motor, Cylinder) are tested with at inhouse test facility to ensure performance parameters.

The test facility are equiped with test bench upto 160 kW and with hydraulic data logger.

All the data and values detected during testing are recorded in the data base and a test-certificate is issued with the test data.
