Fall protection made for what matters most.

Logo DBI-SALA® Fall Protection

Home / 3M Innovations / 3M™ DBI-SALA® Fall Protection

Logo DBI-SALA® Fall Protection

Harnessing safety through Science.

3M™ DBI-SALA® Products focus on safety at heights so that projects and site work can progress smoothly. Even complex systems can be simplified to the ABC.
The ABC & DEF of Fall Protection:

  • A – Anchorage
  • B – Body support
  • C – Connecting device or Connector
  • D – Descent and rescue
  • E – Education
  • F – Fall protection for tools

3M™ Fall Protection system can help enhance safety measures in sectors like :

  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation
  • Mining
  • Oil & Gas and Energy
  • Power Generation & Distribution
  • Telecom
  • Industrial & Commercial Construction

Fall Protection for Tools

3M™ DBI-SALA® Fall Protection for Tools is designed to minimize incidents of falling objects and tools which could lead to personal injury, equipment damage and tool loss.

Energy Absorbing Lanyard

Forces acting on a human body during a fall should be well within 1800 lbs. Forces of higher magnitude can result in internal bleeding, damage or even death.

Energy absorbing lanyards consist of an energy absorber which dissipates the energy of a fall and limit forces acting on the human body to 900 lbs for added safety.

Confined Space Rescue

At 3M™ DBI-SALA® Fall Protection, the challenge of rescuing operators in a confined space is overcome by the wide range of high quality and rugged systems.

The highlights of such a system are

  • Ease of use
  • Durability
  • Adaptability
  • Strong
  • Light in weight, easy to transport